Congrats TYBR Health! The entire team at Vitamin-D Creative is proud of the work we did with you launching your new brand and website! TYBR Health is in the process of developing a cutting edge biomaterial therapeutic that promises to simplify recovery after surgery. This new material will act as a protective shield for tendons and ligaments during the healing process to help prevent adhesions and complications from scarring. It’s a win for patients who’ll be able to recovery faster and the surgeons who operate on them. Unlike other solutions, TYBR’s hydrogel is designed for easy application in both open and minimally invasive procedures.

Currently, up to 40% of patients develop functioning-limiting adhesions following tendon repair, and ~50 days of work are lost every year due to injury. Once this is breakthrough product is approved, we have no doubt it will a go a long way toward reducing that burden.

From a branding perspective, we used bold colors and a high-energy, fast sports imagery to express the promise of the brand, which is a fast recovery, simplified. We also employed a shield graphic to denote protection and reflect the icon on the brand logo.