How healthcare companies are increasingly utilizing digital marketing

The healthcare industry is rife with challenges. The past few years have seen a global healthcare pandemic with COVD-19, causing people to lose their livelihood or have their lives radically changed. Many employees are now working from home full-time [...]

2024-02-20T01:01:55-05:000 Comments

Your Liver or Your House? The Problem with Medical Billing

Modern medicine has afforded the world’s population endless benefits. Thanks to scientific advances in medicine, the world’s life expectancy has improved dramatically from the 19th Century to the present. Life expectancy in the United States in 1860 hovered around 40 years of age (give or take). As of 2020, just 160 years later, life expectancy has nearly doubled to around 77 years of age now according to the CDC.

How Creatively Implementing Graphic Design Can Improve Your Brand

Iconography and imagery have been used by humans for tens of thousands of years. Humans were using tools for cave drawings as early as 73,000 years ago according to a group of archaeologists, led by Christopher Henshilwood. Their findings were of a symbol resembling that of a modern-day hashtag. This finding was not unique, as many others have surfaced in different parts of the world, thousands of years apart. While neanderthals utilized crude tools such as hand-stencils, modern artists may utilize Adobe Creative Suite, architects drafting software, physicians MRI imaging or X-Rays, and mechanical engineers computer-aided design software to design three-dimensional images of potential products. We have certainly come a long way.

The Battle for Fertile Ground: Ukraine-Russia Conflict Places a Spotlight on the Need to Bioengineer the World’s Grains

In February of 2022 Vladimir Putin deployed a military occupation of Ukraine due to his alleged fears of Ukraine potentially becoming a member of NATO. This act of aggression has displaced millions of people from their homes in Ukraine, [...]